Brief Workouts Produce Significant Strength Gains

Brief Workouts Produce Significant Strength Gains

From The
Strength training is one of the most efficient, healthiest, and anti-aging of all exercises. Virtually everyone should be training for strength. Many people have the mistaken idea that they must spend long hours in the gym to build up muscle and strength, and this belief stops them from beginning a strength-training program. 

Want More Strength? Slow...It...Down...

Want More Strength? Slow...It...Down...

The SuperSlow program began when its developer, Ken Hutchins of Orlando, FL, led a program investigating the effects of resistance training on older women with osteoporosis. "These women were so weak we were afraid for their safety," Hutchins recalls. Even before then, Hutchins had toyed with the idea of slow-motion exercise, only to lose interest. But low weight combined with slow movements seemed like the perfect program for these women: Following it, the women made dramatic gains in strength.